Wooden Arrow Farm

“…ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therin, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”

Jeremiah 6:16

When we moved to Montana in 2011, we quickly became aware of the struggle of finding

the quality of food we believed in, all while remaining in the rural lifestyle we loved. It started a

journey of asking questions, looking for hidden resources, and finding our place in all of it. After

years of running all around trying to find these resources, we finally moved out of town and got 9

chickens, 2 pigs (which we kept in with the chickens!), and cats. This began the Wooden Arrow

Farm. We knew we wanted to do things the ‘old way’ and we knew we looked strange when there

are so many new ideas on how to raise animals. We continued in the old paths anyways, all the

while finding that there are a growing number of people loving this rural life that also want the

same things. They wanted unmedicated animals that live outdoors in the fresh air and eat what

God created them to eat. They were losing their faith in the food industry. We started to invite

people over to see our operation. We added lots more laying hens and pigs, meat birds, turkeys, a

livestock guardian, and more pens. We learned some hard lessons (like it being super scary when

pigs break out and try to get into your house via glass doors!). We grew slowly and fell more in

love with what we do. Today we offer high quality heritage pork meat that is fed organic wheat,

barley, oats, and peas that we grind and mix ourselves, organic milk, and organic table scraps, as

well as chemical-free hay and seasonal fresh grasses that we grow right out back. They are never

given medications of any kind beyond probiotics or herbs. We do not carry any certifications.

Instead, we open our doors to any of our customers that want to come see how we do things. We

develop the relationships and the trust. And we find rest for our souls….

If you find you are interested in the Wooden Arrow, please contact Adam or Vanessa Conner.

 We would love to answer any questions you have. Or come visit us anytime and see how fun it is to pet a pig!

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